This book has taught me which parts of the material were the most important. Just reading the textbook can be overwhelming since it is very dense. Selecting which reactions, mechanisms, and concepts were important and compiling them in this book made it easier to study.
Yehuda K.
Before I started using this book, I did not have an effective way to practice mechanisms for the first time I took this course. This book has taught me a methodical approach to learn and comprehend organic mechanisms. Without this book I don’t think I would’ve done as well on the mechanism portions on our exams.
Erica W.
Before I started using this book, I was frustrated by the lack of mechanism problems in the textbook. When I started using this book, the depth and breadth of the practice problems. This book has become invaluable to me and I used to study before every test. Thanks for making this mechanism book!
Kristen M.
Without this book I would not have been able to learn the mechanisms so comprehensively. This book teaches you everything you need to learn to know about mechanisms, from the basics of arrows, formal charge, and resonance, to explanations and practice of increasingly complex mechanisms. This book definitely helped me excel in organic chemistry and I owe part of my success to the effective practice organic mechanism.
Claudia S.
Without this book, it would have been much more difficult for me to grasp the mechanisms that we learned this semester. The numerous practice problems in the book enabled me to practice what I learned in class, and by messing up and reviewing my mistakes, my knowledge solidified. I would recommend this book to any organic chemistry student!
Hanjune K.
This book saved my life in orgo. This book broke the mechanisms down step by step. This book contained the extra practice that I needed to feel confident in this class. This book was great for beginners in orgo because it covers the basic intro topics in the beginning such as how to draw arrows and the differences between acids and bases. These initial concepts are key to surviving orgo and this book offers sufficient practice in those areas to help students get a strong foundation with mechanisms.
Katie H.
Before I started using this book, I tried to memorize each reaction individually. Due to the vast amount of material covered it could be expected that this did not work out very well for me. By using book, I learned how to spot out trends and patterns instead of just memorizing. The ability to spot trends with reactions and mechanisms helped eliminate the need for memorization since I now had a much greater concept of how all these reactions worked together.
Brendan G.
Before I started using this book, I did not have a good way to do a high volume of practice problems in an organized, helpful way. The Mechanism Book not only provides practice problems with varying difficulty, but it also offers detailed explanations of the theory behind each mechanism to allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the chemistry.
Brittany C.
Without this book I would have failed organic chemistry. This book allowed me to practice every mechanism over and over, and after completing each chapter of the book I always knew the information much better. Before I started I using this book mechanisms seemed daunting, but after using the mechanism book for a month organic chemistry finally seemed manageable.
Hannah S.
Before I started using this book, I struggled to understand the mechanistic problems. However, Pom breaks each mechanism down into easy, manageable parts. I now feel confident learning any mechanism in the book!!
Kelly S.
Before I started using this book there was no easy to study mechanisms. The key to success in organic chemistry is doing practice problems and doing a lot of them. The mechanism book provides clear examples and a lot of practice problems. The book is an easy way to have the key to success in one spiral bound place.
Hannah M.
Without this book I would’ve been lost in organic chemistry. Mechanisms are tricky to learn at first and you can only really understand them by drawing them out. The mechanism book is great because it breaks down the mechanisms into simple, easy to understand steps, and it helped a lot with fully mastering them.
Vishaas R.
The mechanism book was great in that it gave me a structured opportunity to practice important material for the course. I would improve it by putting the material in order of the course. Considering that all course are taught differently that may not be possible. If used properly this will help grow your understanding and your grade.
Garssandra P.